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Introducing Impromy, a health & weight loss program developed in collaboration with the CSIRO.

Whatever our age, being physically and mentally healthy is important to our quality of life.
We only get one body, and there is much to be gained by looking after it. But for many of us, eating well and losing excess weight can be difficult. That's where the Impromy program and Pharmacy Help can help.

Support and guidance to help you in achieving your weight loss and improve your health.

Pharmacy Help's Impromy program provides professional advice and personalised consultations to help you achieve your weigh loss and health related goals with:

  • High protein meals and nutritionally enhanced meal replacements
  • Personalised meal plans which include nutritionally enhanced meal replacements and whole foods with sensible snack options tailored to your needs
  • Regular one-on-one health review consultations
  • Smartphone App to help you keep track of your weight loss and provide virtual support between visits with your consultant
  • Support through the Impromy phone line and your Impromy Health and Weight Management Consultant
  • Links you back to health professionals including your GP and Dietitian (APD) as needed

Join today.

Impromy consultations are completely free of charge and obligation-free. If you decide you’d like to join the program, a $49.95 Membership fee includes:

  • your Membership Pack
  • lifetime Impromy Program membership
  • CSIRO’s Meals For Living Simply Well Recipe Book
  • Impromy SmartPhone App access
  • your initial health review report
  • and FREE ongoing Impromy consultations.


The Impromy Program can be even more affordable when you take advantage of rebates from your private health insurer.

Certain health funds already provide a rebate for a range of programs designed to improve your health. This doesn't usually extend to many weight loss programs, for a variety of reasons. Fortunately Impromy's high level of clinical support, scientific research and collaborative development approach with CSIRO means some health insurers are already providing a claimable benefit for costs related to the program and Impromy are working on adding more health insurers to the list. See the list below for involved health insurers and how to claim.

Most people insured by Bupa will have access to differing levels of rebates for costs associated with the Impromy program. This applies both to the initial sign-up fee and the ongoing costs of the program. Bupa covers programs that are based on "face-to-face consultations or visits" and Impromy is an officially approved program.

Phone number to confirm your level of cover and potential rebates: 134 135
Claimable under: Bupa's Living Well platform
What is needed to claim? Your claim needs to contain a completed claim form (available on Bupa's website - click here) and a copy of your receipt. Part of the claim form should be filled out by your Impromy consultant or the pharmacist.
Which plans provide rebates? Most plans.

Please note that claims to Bupa can't currently be submitted via myBupa. They should be claimed at a Bupa Retail Centre or by post.

Other health funds coming soon...

For more information about the Impromy Program, please ask your Pharmacist, download the brochure or visit www.impromy.com